Thursday, October 4, 2012

Hot-stone Or Ventosa Massage

This week has been hectic for me. Stress and pressures in life caused my muscles to become stiff specially around the back and neck area. My blood pressure shoot up too. What can you do in times like thins?

I saw this massage offer and I think it's worth going to. I had hot-stone and ventosa massage before in my friend's spa parlor, Rillasante, and it did me good. I need to relax my muscles said my doctor when I consulted my case with him last night.

At Ayuthaya Spa, you are asked to lie on your back so that therapeutic oil can be applied to your body. A heated glass or hot stone is then placed at your back and moved around to suck away or push out any air hiding inside your muscles.

After the procedure, some redness (and I mean redness) may occur on your skin and you will feel a deep, warm and tingling sensation, which is so good. this painless procedure leave you without causing any burns or scars.

We're featuring Ayuthaya Spa, which is located in Tagaytay City, south of Manila, far from Quezon City because you will like it there too. When in Tagaytay, now considered the nearest vacation site that is cool, you must go to Ayuthaya Spa and get your relaxing massage.

To your health and relaxation,

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